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India’s Dr Seuss, Anushka Ravishankar

Today marks the last day of Children’s Literature Week and while we can easily recall the milestone books of our own developmental years, authors continue to produce prose of exceptional merit. Anushka Ravishankar, commonly referred to as India’s Dr Seuss, has long been a master of silliness—from her debut “Tiger on a Tree,” which was translated into eight languages and sold 50,000 copies globally to her recently released collection of nonsense in verse “Hic!” Ravishankar has produced over 25 books with international independent Indian publisher Tara Books over the last 20 years. There’s nothing like discovering an author, especially one that masterfully makes the magical more real. And rather than let Children’s Literature Week pass unnoticed, perhaps pick up a new book, reconnect with an old one or go grab one for a child in your life.

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